
Traveler over 18


Traveler under 18

Alpissime is a French platform created in Savoie in 2006. It is also one of the first concierge services in the mountains.
All ads on Alpissime have been manually checked by our team.
French platform created in Savoie in 2006
100% of ads checked manually
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Discover the resort La Plagne

Ski resort La Plagne :

Domain : Paradiski - La Plagne | Montchavin
Low altitude : 1250m
High altitude : 3250m
Km of slopes : 225
Green slopes : 16
Blue slopes : 121
Red slopes : 54
Black slopes : 32

Practical information :

Tourist office(s) :

Track map : See the map

Accessibility :

La Plagne is :645 kilometres (400 miles) from Paris196 kilometres (122 miles) from Lyon149 kilometres (93 miles) from Geneva and Grenoble- Motorway Lyon/Albertville : A43 and A430- From Geneva : N201 (Cruseilles) then A41 to Chambery, then A43 and A430 to Albertville, then N90 to MoutiersPour Champagny en VanoiseExit at Moutiers then follow signs for Vallée de BozelFor the high-level ressortsMoutiers, Aime, Mâcot, la PlagneFor Plagne MontalbertMoutiers, Aime, (after 1 km) follow signs for Plagne MontalbertFor Montchavin-Les CochesN90 to Landry, then follow signs for Montchavin-Les Coches

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Locations à Champagny en Vanoise by residence

Locations à Montchavin by residence

Locations à Les Coches by residence

Your next vacation La Plagne

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Partenaire APST (Savoie)
Partenaire H2O Sports
Partenaire Montagnettes